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Chicago Pneumatic Atex Impact Wrenches ideal for Oil and Gas Bolting Applications

Chicago Pneumatic Atex Impact Wrenches ideal for Oil and Gas Bolting Applications


If you have any explosive gases, vapours, mists or dust areas in your workplace then you may need special equipment, designed specifically for use in potentially explosive atmospheres within offshore platforms, mines, petrochemical plants and other industrial working environments. Here we explore how these types of atmospheres can occur and why it’s important to consider ATEX and NEC certifications when buying new equipment.

What is ATEX?

ATEX stands for “ATmosphere EXplosible” and is the designation commonly given to the two European Directives regulating these atmospheres:

The ATEX Directive 2014/34/EU outlines the requirements and certification procedures for equipment used in potentially explosive atmospheres. It states manufacturers are responsible for ensuring the safe performance of equipment, which needs to be certified according to the required specifications for the areas where it will be used.
The Directive 99/92/EC, also known as ‘ATEX 137’ or the ‘ATEX Workplace Directive’, provides employers with guidance on how to specify the different zones and defines minimum requirements for the protection of workers potentially at risk of encountering explosive atmospheres. The directive also explains how to select the right group and category of equipment for different explosive atmospheres.

As an operations manager you might be aware of potentially explosive atmospheres that can ignite under certain conditions. To ensure safe working environments, employers are obliged to classify them into zones and perform a risk assessment. By respecting these classifications, it is possible to identify the right type of tools that will perform safely in each zone.

For more info check on and click on ‘Expert corner’

Published: 25-02-2019


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