DNV GL launches LNG market outlook research report
The results of DNV GL’s latest research into the outlook for the LNG market will be launched on Wednesday 3 April 2019 at LNG 2019 in Shanghai.
‘The LNG era takes shape’ is based on a global survey of 291 LNG-focused senior industry professionals and executives. In addition, the report draws on insights from a range of in-depth interviews with business leaders, the findings of the company’s 2019 Oil and Gas Industry Outlook report and the 2018 Energy Transition Outlook (ETO) forecast.
DNV GL’s report details expert analysis of the key pressures facing the LNG industry in the year ahead and the likely impact in the coming decades. Several key findings will be presented relating to the diversification of LNG supply sources, rapidly increasing demand, and the new dynamics in play in global markets.
‘The LNG era takes shape’ will be made available on Wednesday 3 April 2019 here: dnvgl.com/LNGoutlook
Published: 03-04-2019