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Neptune Energy begins drilling Ofelia exploration well

Neptune Energy begins drilling Ofelia exploration well


Neptune Energy today announced drilling has commenced on the Ofelia exploration well in the Norwegian sector of the North Sea.

The well, 35/6-3 S, is being drilled by the Deepsea Yantai, a semi-submersible rig, owned by CIMC and operated by Odfjell Drilling. The Ofelia prospect is located 13 kilometres north of the Gjøa field within the Neptune-operated PL929 Licence.

In the event of a commercial discovery, the Ofelia prospect could be tied back to the Neptune-operated Gjøa platform and produce at less than half the average carbon intensity of Norwegian Continental Shelf fields1.

Neptune Energy’s Director of Subsurface in Norway, Steinar Meland, said: “Ofelia is an interesting prospect and fits our exploration strategy of focusing on opportunities within core areas near existing infrastructure.

“In case of a discovery, Ofelia could potentially be developed in parallel with Hamlet2, resulting in a low cost and carbon efficient development.”

Ofelia is positioned in one of Neptune’s core areas and close to existing infrastructure. The reservoir target is the Lower Cretaceous Agat Formation and is expected to be reached at a depth of approximately 2,570 metres.

The drilling program comprises a main-bore (35/6-3 S) with an optional side-track (35/6-3 A) based on the outcome of the exploration well.

Partners: Neptune Energy (operator, 40%), Wintershall Dea (20%), Lundin Energy Norway* (10%), Pandion Energy (20%) and DNO (10%)

* Lundin Energy Norway is a fully owned subsidiary of Aker BP as of July 30 2022.

Published: 27-07-2022


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