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Real Projects events looks at the future of gas

Real Projects events looks at the future of gas


The latest in a series of talks to help young people understand the oil and gas industry takes place at the University of Aberdeen on Thursday. (Feb 28)

Dr Chet Biliyok, a chartered engineer and project management professional, will give a talk ‘The Future of Gas’ as part of the Real Projects series, organised by Aberdeen social enterprise AFBE-UK Scotland. This is a follow-up to his ‘Future of Oil’ presentation.

Aberdeen-based AFBE-UK Scotland is a not-for-profit body run by professionals who give up their time to provide industry insights to pupils, students and graduates.

Dr Ollie Folayan, chair of AFBE-UK Scotland, said: “We’re looking forward to Chet’s talk. He has an incredibly broad range of expertise and his talk on the future of the gas sector is sure to be interesting and engaging.”

AFBE-UK Scotland is the Scottish division of AFBE-UK, a registered not-for-profit organisation which encourages all young people, particularly those of black and minority ethnic (BME) origin, to pursue a career in engineering.

Chet is a chartered engineer and project management professional with 12 years’ experience in process engineering, project execution, technical consultancy and energy systems research within the energy industry.

Most recently, he has led projects focused on the development of advanced thermal processes for power generation, chemical feedstocks production and material recovery.

Chet has a Masters in Chemical Process Engineering from University College London and obtained his PhD from Cranfield University’s School of Engineering, where he has continued to co-supervise PhD students as a visiting lecturer. Chet has also authored over a dozen peer-reviewed journal articles, presented his work at major international conferences and currently contributes energy market analysis and insights articles to S&P Global Platt’s Energy Economist.

The Real Projects event takes place at the university’s Meston Building (MT3) Thursday, February 28 (2019), 6.30pm-8pm. The event is free but registration is required:

Published: 22-02-2019


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