Seaway7 awarded foundation installation contract in the UK

Seaway7 awarded foundation installation contract in the UK

Subsea7 today announced the award to Seaway7, part of the Subsea7 Group, of a substantial1 contract by Inch Cape Offshore Limited, a joint venture between ESB and Red Rock Renewables, for the transport and installation of pin-pile jacket foundations and transition pieces for the Inch Cape Offshore Wind Farm.

The 1.1GW Inch Cape project offshore site is located in the Scottish North Sea, 15 kilometres off the Angus coast, and will comprise 72 wind turbine generators. Seaway7’s scope of work includes the transport and installation of 18 pin-pile jacket foundations and 54 transition pieces with offshore works expected to commence in 2026.

Lloyd Duthie, Seaway7’s VP UK & Asia, said: “We are looking forward to supporting ESB and Red Rock on the Inch Cape project and at the same time making a contribution to the UK’s energy security and emissions reduction targets”.

John Hill, Inch Cape’s Project Director said: “I am extremely pleased to have such an experienced party as Seaway7 sign with the project and take responsibility for the installation of our jacket foundations and the transition pieces.”

contract in the UKInch Cape Offshore LimitedOffshore Wind FarmSeaway7 awarded foundationSubsea7 Group

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