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US invests $40m in enhanced oil recovery

US invests $40m in enhanced oil recovery


The US Government has announced the recipients of around $39.9 million (£32m) in funding for research and development into enhanced oil recovery (EOR).

The Department of Energy’s (DOE) Office of Fossil Energy has chosen five projects that will share the funding as part of its basin-specific research strategy focused on increasing recovery and operational efficiency.

Projects aim to reduce the technical risks associated with EOR and expand application of EOR methods onshore, both in conventional and unconventional reservoirs.

The research will also improve the understanding of unconventional reservoirs.

Winners include the University of North Dakota, the University of Texas at Austin, the Battelle Memorial Institute, the University of North Dakota and the University of Wyoming.

Energy Secretary Rick Perry said: “The extraordinary growth in US oil and gas development is transforming the energy landscape across the world. Developing technologies to improve enhanced oil recovery will help maximise America’s energy sources, ensuring continued American energy independence.”


Source: Energy Live News

Published: 22-07-2019


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