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Viper Innovations Ltd

Viper Innovations provides electrical monitoring and asset integrity solutions for global industries including subsea and rail.

Company Profile

Our award-winning products and services provide practical solutions for the real problems faced by our clients on a day to day basis whilst helping to take out cost and increase production efficiency.

We pride ourselves on being a knowledge-based company with a substantial focus on Research & Development. This includes Knowledge Transfer Partnerships (KTPs) working in collaboration with Universities; to bring only the best products and services to market.

We Are Experts In:

Subsea Insulation Resistance Monitoring & Recovery

Due to the criticality of IR to our customers, and the huge number of low IR faults that are reported by subsea operators, Viper Innovations have invested heavily in the research and development of IR monitoring and recovery technologies and products. Results of this investment include state-of- the-art line insulation monitoring hardware (V-LIMs) and a unique passivation technology that can recover the IR in failed circuits (V-LIFE) – installed by over 30 operators in over 150 applications around the globe.

Viper have achieved significant success working with operators in applications where V-LIM and V-LIFE can help recover the electrical integrity of subsea circuits suffering from low insulation resistance. These faults often lead to loss of power or communications to subsea equipment and have the potential to halt production from subsea wells. Before V-LIFE became available subsea fault-finding interventions and replacement of cables, equipment and umbilicals were the only solutions to this problem.  Vipers award-winning products provide a proven and cost effective alternative to customers when budgets are stretched and maximising production from existing infrastructure is so important.

Online Electrical Cable Integrity Monitoring & Fault Finding

The enabling technology required to provide electrical integrity data at a cable section level within a distributed power network was developed by us initially for monitoring subsea oil and gas control systems as part of a Joint Industry Project (JIP) with Oil & Gas supermajor operators including BP, Shell, Chevron and Total. In 2016 we were approached by Network Rail who were also experiencing similar electrical integrity issues in their signalling power supplies as those in the subsea oil and gas control systems. As a result we developed CableGuardian for the railways. It was a cause of great pride when this transfer of innovative technology was recognised as we were named the winner of the 2018 Intelligent Systems Innovation Award by the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET).

Viper Innovations can offer technological solutions designed to improve the integrity management of critical electrical assets in a broad range of applications and industries.

Integrity Management of Critical Subsea Assets

Proactive and Reactive Systems Management - ever since the company was founded in 2007 major subsea operators and independents in the UK and around the world have turned to Viper Innovations to apply their experience of control system integrity, to help them protect their investment in assets – critical to the production of oil and gas from subsea wells. Viper offer a broad range of subsea services which can be tailored for specific customer requirements.