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New programme examines pathways for integrated floating offshore wind technology

New programme examines pathways for integrated floating offshore wind technology 


The Offshore Renewable Energy (ORE) Catapult and the Net Zero Technology Centre will examine potential pathways for the delivery of innovative floating offshore wind technology integrated with existing energy infrastructure, as part of their five year collaboration under the Energy Transition Alliance banner

The WINTOG programme will drive collaboration across energy technologies to foster innovative opportunities for floating offshore wind developments, specifically those linked to the current Innovation and Targeted Oil and Gas (INTOG) leasing round delivered by Crown Estate Scotland.

The WINTOG programme will look at some of the key questions associated with building floating offshore wind farms to provide clean electricity to power oil and gas installations. It will also investigate the opportunity for these integrated energy projects to support the broader development of floating offshore wind projects and technologies.

Some of the outputs of the programme will include: examining the potential energy resource available from the proposed INTOG leasing areas; what type of grid infrastructure might be needed to support developments; how the developments could best engage with the consenting process, and what the potential environmental benefits could be.

Andrew Macdonald, Director of Offshore Wind Development and Operations for ORE Catapult, said: “Floating offshore wind has huge potential to open up new areas of seabed to green energy production, and clearly has a big role to play in our energy transition. While we wait to see the outcome of the INTOG leasing process, it’s important to start looking at the potential technical challenges and exploring the synergies between the offshore wind and oil and gas sectors so that we can use our combined knowledge to accelerate the deployment of low carbon technology.”

Graeme Rogerson, Renewables Theme Lead at the Net Zero Technology Centre said: “INTOG is an excellent opportunity to deploy floating offshore wind and low-carbon technologies to help ramp up for Scotwind and is essential to delivering the ambitious North Sea Transition Deal targets. The WINTOG programme supports developers and the supply chain in delivering integrated projects to decarbonise oil and gas infrastructure and ensure continued delivery of today’s energy while building future energy systems.”

Read the latest issue of the OGV Energy magazine HERE

Published: 01-12-2022

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