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Shelf Drilling jackup not cleared to begin scheduled work for Equinor

Shelf Drilling jackup not cleared to begin scheduled work for Equinor


Oslo-listed jackup rig pure-play Shelf Drilling has hit a snag with the upcoming drilling programme offshore Norway for Equinor after one of its rigs was not awarded an acknowledgement of compliance.

The 2016-built Shelf Drilling Barsk jackup, formerly known as Noble Lloyd Noble, won a contract for two firm wells with the Norwegian energy major back in April 2023.

The planned start-up of operations at the Sleipner Vest field under that deal is expected in May 2024 with an initial scope of two wells and an estimated duration of 270 days.

Equinor even exercised the first extension option on the deal in April this year. Along with an extension for work on the Gudrun field for 254 days, the Norwegian energy major hired the jackup for one more well which added 83 days to the Sleipner Vest scope. Equinor has one more well option.

Shelf Drilling said on Monday that Havtil, the Norwegian Ocean Industry Authority, did not accept the company’s application for an acknowledgement of compliance (AoC) for the rig. According to Norwegian regulations, the rig can only begin its contract in Norway once the AoC has been obtained.

“Shelf Drilling intends to continue constructive dialogue with Havtil to obtain the AoC and commence the announced drilling contract,” the company said.

Read the latest issue of the OGV Energy magazine HERE

Published: 04-06-2024

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