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Vattenfall awarded Nordlicht II offshore wind farm in German North Sea

Vattenfall awarded Nordlicht II offshore wind farm in German North Sea


Vattenfall has obtained the right to develop the N-6.6 offshore wind power project off the German North Sea coast.

The Swedish energy giant informed the German Federal Network Agency (BSH) that it has invoked its right of entry, thereby confirming the right to construct the wind farm.

The site was provisionally awarded to RWE in August, with BSH giving Vattenfall until 14 September to exercise its step-in right.

The 630MW project, also called Nordlicht II, is located 85 kilometres off the island of Borkum on the German North Sea coast.

Together with project N-7.2 (Nordlicht I) in the same area, the two projects will have a combined capacity of 1.6GW and are expected to generate electricity for more than 1.7 million German households.

Once Vattenfall reaches final investment decisions, Nordlicht I can be connected to the German electricity grid in 2027 and Nordlicht II in 2028.

“[These projects] will lead to a permanent reduction in Germany’s dependence on fossil fuels. In addition, offshore wind energy can make an important contribution to the conversion to a more climate-friendly production in some key industries. Within the framework of partnerships, we want to support that conversion, says Helene Biström, head of BA Wind at Vattenfall.

Read the latest issue of the OGV Energy magazine HERE


Published: 18-09-2023

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