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James Fisher Offshore delivers significant decommissioning time and cost savings for NPCC in the Middle East

James Fisher Offshore delivers significant decommissioning time and cost savings for NPCC in the Middle East


James Fisher Offshore (JFO), a global life of field provider of specialist offshore engineering solutions, supports leading Saudi engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) business, NPCC to deliver time and cost savings in offshore decommissioning operations in the Middle East.

Recent reporting from its ongoing project in support of NPCC demonstrate a 60% reduction in overall cutting time utilising its innovative ultra-high-pressure (UHP) abrasive water jet internal cutting system.

This system minimises equipment requirements and the need to de-water, while the cut verification system ensures operator and customer certainty, minimising the risk of stitching and, ultimately, reducing risk of over-run on high cost projects.

Jack Davidson, managing director at JFO commented:

“It is fantastic to be working in support of companies like NPCC that recognise our expertise in deploying the correct technology and equipment to optimise their results. 

“Our experience and innovations are delivering tangible time and cost savings for our customers, for example reducing vessel time, back deck and personnel requirements and enhancing project assurance.

“It is exciting to see the top tier of the supply chain regionally such as NPCC embrace our new technologies and innovative ways of working, benefitting from the value we are delivering for them and to the overall decommissioning landscape.”

Mobilising from its base in Saudi Arabia JFO was also able minimise mobilisation time and cost.

With an estimated 1,000 assets and over 3,000 wells set to exceed their operational life expectancy over the next 20 years, the Middle East is a key market for JFO where the business is creating measurable efficiencies for some of the region’s most notable decommissioning projects. 

Published: 11-11-2019

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